Gumboot Friday


I AM HOPE aims to promote positive attitudinal societal change around mental health throughout New Zealand, offering hope and a voice to young people.
On Friday 4th November there were activities at lunchtime involving GUMBOOTS. Staff and students had so much fun!


Senior Praise giving

Congratulations to all the students who received an award at our Senior Praisegiving and thank you to all our whanau who joined to support our kids

Services Academy Graduation

Saturday 29th of October marked the graduation of our Services Academy students at St Paul’s College in Ponsonby, Auckland.
We are incredibly proud of them and their efforts throughout 2022.
Students represented our kura with mana.
It was fantastic to see many of our whanau who travelled down to support our students.
Tevita Loto’Ahea was awarded Most Improved and Olivia Bratty was named Top Student.
Huge mihi to Kaha Cassidy who has guided and led the academy with dedication.

Hands On University Experience

Congratulations to Ihapera Tauira-Cross and Danielle Cooper who have received a scholarship to attend the ‘Hands on’ 2023 Otago University Experience in January 2023.
We are incredibly proud of their achievement and wish them well for their trip!

Piwakawaka Trip To Papermill

After our visit was  postponed due to illness and other things, our new visit day finally arrived.
We all went down to Kamo Road and The Paper Mill in the van where there were lots of excited students.
After a fabulous welcome we split into two groups, one to make cards and the other to make some paper.
My group made paper first. We got to look at paper pulp, the machine that cuts up the paper into tiny pieces.
We got to help cut up flax, ginger leaves and lavender.
After getting a chance to touch how the pulp feels when it is mixed with water we were able to have a go at making a piece of paper.

24hr Cycle Fundraiser

I had the opportunity to go on a trip with 5 other students. This trip was to Auckland on the 20th September. So where do I begin, we had to be at school by 8am the latest, I made it at 7:33am.

On our way down we slept because, let’s face it, it’s tiring sitting in the van. We made it around 10:30am. We went to Swanson School for the fundraiser. It was a 24hour CYCLE EVENT, to raise money for FREE COUNSELLING SESSIONS and FOOD PACKAGES.

We walked into the office and were directed to the hall. We saw lots of kids and met Whaea Louise’s family.

We waited until morning tea to start our cycling. We cycled for 20minutes each. Ariana and Tavin won spot prizes for adidas shoes. We entered the competition to win other prizes throughout the day. The whole school was buzzing with excitement, from the junior classes to the seniors. We were new people, so everyone was looking at us and asking who we were.

After our cycling and talking to people, we took photos with Whaea Louise’s family, Rob and Noah, said our goodbyes and headed back home. Rob and Noah said how much they appreciated our support and thanked us for coming down to Auckland.

We had the best time and thank you to Whaea Louise for choosing us to represent the school, I really enjoyed this day.


Action at Action Bowling

On Thursday 22nd September the Aniwaniwa group went to Action Zone bowling with three other local schools so that our Pride/Rainbow students could form relationships between each other.


3rd Place!

Recently we had two teams compete in a senior and junior basketball cup competition at McKay Stadium which ran on two different days. Our senior team consisted of Year 11-13 boys who did an amazing job finishing third in the competition, the junior boys team were made up of Year 9/10 students who had the opportunity to play at a competition level finishing sixth which was awesome.

was a great time had by all and our boys all showed wonderful sportsmanship and made our kura very proud.

Huge thank you to Whaea Lou for stepping in and being our star coach and referee


Nga Mihi Aamea Walding-King

Aamea Walding-King has been duly elected as our Board of Trustees Student Representative for another term 2022/2023. Mīharo!

Kukupa Are Ready To Learn

Community has been new and exciting for our students in Kukupa this term.  We started of at the Hatea Loop to see what was new.  There were new sculptures. They watched a glass blower make a vase and made sure they were back on time to watch the new ‘Rolling Ball Clock’.  Our second community, the sun shined at Onerahi. Last week was memorable for the students.  They were able to relax, snuggle and play with the pups at Klipped.  George explained that his favourite pup was a ‘mini dopamine called Alexis’.  Parata liked the three-legged dog he named Hoppy.  Lilah thought this tiny dog called Blue was cute.  Trinity said, ‘there was so many poodles, I even saw a sausage dog’.  In PE, the students individually are taking part on their lessons.  Liam taught the students how to play Tee Ball.  A couple of Piwakawaka students joined in the fun.  It was good see the students working together and being great sportsman