Important Principal Notice

Parents and caregivers are advised that teachers who are members of the PPTA will be attending a Paid Union Meeting on Friday 24th May 2024. As the majority of our teachers are PPTA members we are unable to run our normal scheduled timetable after 1pm.
All students are expected to be at school for the morning and will be released from school at 1.00pm. Lunch will be provided before students leave.
School buses will be running as normal.
Please contact the school office if you have any queries or require supervision on this afternoon.
The Creative in Schools initiative has had a great start with plenty of enthusiasm shown from students. They are thoroughly enjoying their involvement and we look forward to the end results. Ngā mihi to our tutor Mike Paora.
There will be no school on Monday 5 February as this is a Teacher Only Day and Tuesday 6 February, which is Waitangi Day a nationwide public holiday.
We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to help make stationery shopping super easy. You can access all our stationery requirements via myschool.co.nz website. Simply enter Tikipunga High School and the year level of your child. Or take a copy of the list below into your preferred store.
The staff at Tikipunga High School would like to wish our whānau and community a safe holiday! Meri Kirihimete and a Happy New Year. We cannot wait to see you all next year.
This year the students have completed an art piece which they think represents the Aniwaniwa group at Tikipunga High School. This project was all student led and all participated in the making of it. It is simply a rainbow with the handprints from those who were involved in making it. The colours represent the diversity in the LGBTQ+ community and the handprints are from the students for our kura. The vision going forward would be for all rainbow young people to have a sense of safety and belonging in our kura and wider community. Whaea Kim and Whaea Jay have worked together in the school community and have made sure that students of the rainbow community are respected, are safe, and feel included at Tikipunga High School and the wider Whangarei community. We have also developed the group understanding of upholding the mana motuhake and mauri of all students within the Aniwaniwa whānau.
We had our Senior Praisegiving on Wednesday 8 November.
Congratulations to our 2024 Head Boy and Head Girl: Eruera Fraser and Aamea Walding-King.
Another huge congratulations to our 2024 Student Leaders:
Alexis Thomson
Cassie Walker
Charlotte Leslie
Kaian Burt
Jordan Kingi
Lizzy Badenhorst
Nevaeh Fiti
Shenaea Petersen-Paniora
Tatiana Niha
Te Oranga Rapira-Harawira
Please see our latest newsletter for the full list of school award winners.
The school holidays are nearly upon us – keep the kids entertained by taking them to an action-
packed game of basketball.
The BNZ Breakers have 8 Auckland games remaining this season and every single game promises
plenty of fun, giveaways, and entertainment for the whole family. Choose the dates that suit you
and get behind the BNZ Breakers. Tickets are on sale at https://www.ticketmaster.co.nz/.