COVID-19 Special Announcement – (Monday 23 March 2020)


Kia ora koutou

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement this afternoon, we need to inform you that school will be closed from tomorrow (Tuesday 24 March 2020) until further notice.

Children of essential service workers may attend Tuesday, 24 March and Wednesday, 25 March to allow their parents time to make necessary arrangements for their ongoing care. Please let us know  if you are in this category and intend to send your tamariki to school tomorrow by either emailing or calling 0800 437329.

Be assured, staff are well prepared and have processes in place to ensure ongoing learning opportunities for all students via google classroom.

We thank you for your understanding and appreciate we are in unusual times.  Your awhi and continued display of our values will get us through this.

He waka eke noa

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Alec Solomon
