Friday 22nd August was National Poetry Day. An open evening for everyone interested was organised by Hannah White at local cafe and bar “The Old Stone Butter Factory”. Secondary school pupils were encouraged to have a go, and as a result three of our students attended.
Tyrek Hei Yr 8, Sadieux Tua Yr 10 and Nikita Latter Yr 12 braved nerves and an audience intent on after work refreshments, presenting their original works with typical Tiki flair. Tyrek and Sadieux have been part of Ms Pascoe and Mr Piggots’ “Spoken Word” workshops for the past two terms, and were a credit to their mentors. The audience turned out to be very supportive and our poets were able to get feedback from two visiting, published poets.
Students were transported to the venue by Ms King, Ms Wellington and extra support from Mrs Moors on the night. Thoere is an opportunity for these and other students to be part of a Youth Poets group so that students are given more opportunities to present their works.
Watch this space!