On Thursday, 16th April the Principal and Board of Trustees including our Student Representative, Tamara Matthews, flew to Rotorua for the 3 day Annual NZSTA Conference.
The focus of this years conference was Effective Governence: Leading Change for an Uncomprimising Commitment to Excellence and Equity.
We had the opportunity to complete a variety workshops, a highlight was the keynote speakers Meng Foon (Race Relations Commissioner), Karl Vasau (Principal, Rowendale Primary School) and Kathryn Berkett (Educational Psychologist), they were very inspiring to us all. Annaliese and Tamara found time to take a walk around
the lake and discover all of the beautiful sculpture and soak up some of the history of the area. They especially enjoyed the Te Arawa Memorial within the Government House gardens, which is surrounded pou carved by the different iwi from the Rotorua area and told the story of the eight children of the Te Arawa Chief Rangitihi.
We look forward to next years conferencce in Dunedin for more learning and inspiration.