There were 20 Tikipunga High students involved and partaking in the tertiary trip held on Thursday 15th May – Friday 16th of May. We began our day, gathering at school at 7:00am to get our seats on the bus.
First we made our way to AUT North shore campus, where a lecturer talked about courses that are available within the health, education, and sport aspect of AUT University.
We then went into Auckland City to the main AUT campus, where we split into 5 groups (law, business, art & design, engineering, and travel & tourism). We decided which group we would become part of, depending on what we were interested in. Each group was led by a student who is a part of that particular subject. We were lead to a building devoted to each subject, where a lecturer then talked further in-depth about the subject of choice.
We stopped again at Botany where a travel and tourism schooling was located, we were toured around the space focused on travel and tourism. We then were asked to all participate in a mock plane simulation giving instructions. Liam Clare, Shyanne Kelly and Te Huringa Totara volunteered to be the air-host, where they stood at the front of the make-shift plane and instructed us what to do incase of an accident.
The international travel school was located on the top level of a mall, so we also had lunch before we left. When we all gathered back onto the bus we made our way to Ngarawahia Christian Camp, which is where 10 Northland schools stayed and had dinner.
We were told to be up and ready for breakfast at 7:00am – 7:30am. After we had finished breakfast and cleaned our rooms we made our way back onto the bus, where we then drove to Waikato University. As we arrived, we were advised of the expectations, us representing our school. Waikato were having an open day, so we were allowed to walk around and participate in a wide range of lectures and take in everything Waikato had to offer.
We ended our day at Waikato listening/dancing to a DJ playing at the heart of the campus. We slowly made our way back home, stopping at a mall for a break and dinner, then continued our journey back.
By Sky Palmer