As part of our Sustainability study, Mike Easterbrook and John Mills took a dozen 10 Hihi students to Pehiaweri Marae in July, to complete phase 2 of our wetland planting programme. We were joined by a dozen year 2 students from Kamo Primary, and their helpers, as well as Lorna Douglas (NRC) and Harriet (Drains to Harbour coordinator).
We had been granted $1500 by NRC for plants, and coordinated appropraite species with Les from Pehaiweri, and Ben from Blue Nikau Nurseries. Blessed with good weather, our students dove into the task, each with a mini-me attached at their side.
We planted all the trees, and concluded with a shared kai of hot chips, pears and peaches. Our students were awesome with the little ones, and greatly impressed the DP from Kamo Primary. They were considerate, well-mannered and mothered over the 6 year olds, warmly encouraging and talking with them throughout.