This year the students have completed an art piece which they think represents the Aniwaniwa group at Tikipunga High School. This project was all student led and all participated in the making of it. It is simply a rainbow with the handprints from those who were involved in making it. The colours represent the diversity in the LGBTQ+ community and the handprints are from the students for our kura. The vision going forward would be for all rainbow young people to have a sense of safety and belonging in our kura and wider community. Whaea Kim and Whaea Jay have worked together in the school community and have made sure that students of the rainbow community are respected, are safe, and feel included at Tikipunga High School and the wider Whangarei community. We have also developed the group understanding of upholding the mana motuhake and mauri of all students within the Aniwaniwa whānau.